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October signifies the start of Jewish new year celebrations. P6 have explored the tradition of blowing the Shofar horn to signify the start of Rosh Hashanah. They used a variety of art skills to make a shofar horn from paper.


Thank you to our grownups who made it along to visit the P6 showing on Friday. The class loved sharing their Sky Up Academy experience with you. The movie trailers were entirely child led and each child took on an important role in a group to complete the challenge. ICT, literacy, expressive arts and Health ... Continue reading "P6 Sharing the Learning Morning"


P6 have been exploring number patterns this term in numeracy. They have been taking part in a mystery story and trying to use clues to solve a hidden message. So far, we have explored the Vedic Square, Fibonacci Sequences and the Golden Ratio. This week we will be exploring number patterns found in circles.


Please find below the link for our P6 T1 learning overview. P6 termly overview term 1 2024-25


Please find attached the termly overview for Term 1. Term 1 P1 Termly Learning Overview Miss Walkingshaw


Following on from us achieving our Bronze award for Rights Respecting Schools at the end of last session, the start of the new term has seen us all dive right in to learning about our rights. Each class has created a Class charter and chosen some rights they feel are most important to their class ... Continue reading "Rights Respecting Schools"


Hello, please find attached the Primary 4 Termly Overview for Term 1. P4 termly overview term 1 Thanks, Miss McGregor


P6 have been learning about Natural Disasters. Today we completed a STEM task in groups to build our own Earthquake readers. We tested our finished seismographs by shaking the boxes to see how the graph changed.


Please find the home learning choice board attached. Completed work can be uploaded to Teams. Primary 5 Home Learning Choice Board Miss Clinkscales


Primary 5 explored the concept of buoyancy by making their own boats out of tin foil! They learned that buoyancy is the force that helps objects float in water. Each group designed a tin foil boat and then tested how many marbles it could hold before sinking. They had so much fun experimenting with different ... Continue reading "Primary 5"


Last Thursday 29th August, P6 attended a school trip to Sky Up Studios in Livingston. We were lucky enough to explore the Sky offices and see lots of people at work. We learned about the different roles and jobs they offer at Sky. We were shown behind the scenes clips of the new Wicked film, ... Continue reading "P6 Trip to Sky Up Studios"


Please use the link below to access the Primary 5 learning overview for Term 1. P5 termly overview term 1 (Aug-Oct2024) Miss Clinkscales

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