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Primary 1 Home Learning

Good morning P1,

We hope you have had a good weekend.

Here is your Learning Board and resources for this week. There are lots of activities to keep you busy. You can record the answers to the learning tasks in your jotter or on the sheets listed if you are able to print them.

This week is PUSCPS Sports Week so keep you eye out for activities on the blog!

There is a ‘300 question Sumdog Class Challenge’ for you to try!

Please try to complete you Buddy message this week as we would like to send them to your buddies before the end of term.

We would love to hear from you through a blog message by pressing reply or by sending a message or photos of your learning to the school email:

Messages and photos will be shared on the P1 Virtual Learning Wall.

Take care,

Mrs Hardie & Mrs McJimpsey

Don’t touch the lava game

Home learning board 8 June 2020 LH SM PDF

P1 maths chilli challenge larger smaller numbers

Phonics Lesson 8.6.20

Word Detective

Pizza Half

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