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P2 week beginning 22.06.20

Good morning P2,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are all safe and well.  I can’t believe that this is your last week of Primary 2 and that in a few weeks you will all be big Primary 3’s!  I have loved being your teacher this year and I have missed you all these last few months. I know you will all have a great time next year in P3.

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch by email these last few months. I have loved hearing from you and a big thank you to all the grown up’s who have helped and supported the children during school closures.

I have attached the last P2 Home Learning Board for this session and if you would like to get in touch this week, you can through a blog message by pressing reply or by sending a message or photos of your learning to the school email:

Have a great summer P2.

Stay safe.


Mrs Strachan xx

Home learning board template week beginning 22.06.20

my star moments at home

road safety crossing maze

dot to dot 1-100

design your own sunhat

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