End of Term Message from Miss Burton
Good morning everyone,
Wow! Can you actually believe it is the end of term?!
It’s hard to believe that 14 weeks ago our school doors closed, but our school community definitely didn’t.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you as parents and carers for your support as we navigated through these unprecedented times. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and for supporting us along the way. In some ways, although we are apart, I feel like we have grown closer. You have done a brilliant job of supporting your child with home learning, please give yourself credit for that.
Thank you to our staff who have quickly adapted to a new way of learning and teaching, and especially for humouring me with my love of making a making a wee video! They have consistently taught our children, showing they care whilst experiencing the personal challenges that lock down brings to us all. Thank you to everyone who also works behinds the scenes- a lot of work goes into running the school smoothly.
Happy retirement to our dear Mrs Ness, who has dedicated 25 years to our school. That is a huge achievement and dedication to our community! She will be greatly missed by us all.
Thank you to our children- we miss them dearly! They are the true stars of PUSCPS. We have loved seeing, and hearing them in Teams, reading emails and seeing their uploads to online learning journals. Good luck to our Primary 7s- they will be greatly missed. It was great to celebrate with them last week, and we know they will go on to make us all proud. Please now take 10 minutes to sit with your child and watch this wee video we made especially for them:
I will be in touch in August once we have a clearer picture of what the school day will look like. August will bring a new normal for us, but for now, rest and try not to worry. None of us like uncertainty, but the one thing that is certain is that we will always be here to support you. We are ready to welcome you and your child back, and we are very excited about that!
Please give your child a big PUSCPS hug from me- I miss them lots.
Happy holidays,
Miss Burton