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Information for New Nursery Children

Dear parent/ carer,

We look forward to welcoming your child to our nursery from Wednesday 12th August. If your child has a Wednesday place they should attend as normal on Wednesday, and likewise for the following days.

In order to support us introduce your child to our nursery we have allocated you a time slot. We will email this information to you on Thursday 5th August. We would request that only one adult drops them off at this time. Your child is entitled to stay for their full nursery session – am, pm or full day or you can request a shorter time, depending on your circumstances. A member of our nursery team will be ready to greet you and issue you with some paperwork to be completed and returned to us as soon as you can.

Our nursery operates 50 weeks per year, closing only for the Christmas holidays.

We spend a lot of time outdoors in all weathers so please ensure your child brings their own waterproof clothing and wellies each day. Please let us know if you need support with this. On the return to nursery we will not be asking children to change into indoor shoes. They should also bring a change of clothes in their school bag each day which is carried to and from nursery. Due to the current restrictions, we request that you only bring a transition toy to nursery if required, we would prefer if children did not bring toys to nursery with them. Full day children should bring their packed lunch as usual.

We are still waiting awaiting guidance on parents accessing the nursery building. We would request that only one adult drops off and collects your child at nursery. This may involve a drop off to the nursery outdoor area where a member of staff will greet them. Please remember that there should be a 2m distance between adults.

We are super excited to welcome you and your child to our nursery family.

Kind regards,

Miss Burton

Head Teacher

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