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JRSO Update: Parking

At our last JRSO (Junior Road Safety Officers) meeting, we all agreed that the main problem that the school has is the parking situation at the end of the day.

Our JRSOs would like to let you know that it is unsafe for children and adults to park on the grass verges, on the bends and in front of the bollards.

The service area (the area after the bollards) is also an unsafe area to park as this is an area that is used by the children for walking through to get to their cars. It is also to be kept clear as this is an area that is required to be used by the Emergency Services if they are in attendance at the school (hopefully this will never happen). As you know we may need the Emergency Services at any moment and if there are cars parked in this area then this holding back the services from doing their job. So please DO NOT PARK in this area even if the bollard has not been put back in its place.

There are 39 parking spaces that don’t get used at the football pitch grounds. It only takes just over 1 minute to walk from there to the school playground. This area has just recently been resurfaced, so there are no potholes like how there used to be.

The JRSOs feel that this is a much better place and solution to the schools car parking problem.

The JRSO s would like to ask you as parents/carers to think about your child’s safety and please park safely and responsibly.

Thank You


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