Primary 1-3 Seesaw
It is on our records that some parent/ carers have not signed the permission slip for your child to use Seesaw. We are hoping to use this platform in term 2 for your child to share their home learning with us.
This platform is the equivalent of the nursery online learning journals and Primary 4-7 using Teams for learning in school and at home. With that in mind we would like as many of our children signed up as possible. Please ensure you return your permission slip by the end of the week so we can issue you with your child’s log in. If you require a new permission slip please let our office staff know.
For those of you who have returned the permission slip please check your child’s school bag for an envelope with an instruction sheet about how to log in. Currently we do not have any content on their Seesaw account – this will come in term 2.