Primary 1 Home Learning - Week beginning 11/01/21
Good morning Primary 1,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday and have enjoyed spending time with your family. Please find your timetable for this week listed below.
Remember there is no pressure to complete all of the tasks. Just do what you can. All lessons and activities can be found in your Seesaw account. There is also a weekly Sumdog challenge to complete too.
Literacy – Revision of ch and sh
Numeracy – 2D shape, Number Talks task
IDL – Scots poetry
Literacy – th words and handwriting
Numeracy – 2D shape, Number Talks task
Health and Wellbeing – PE task
Literacy – Katie Morag reading comprehension
Numeracy – Finding 1 more/1 less, Number Talks task
IDL – Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay – Island comparison
Literacy – Practise ch, sh, and th words, common words task
Numeracy – Subtraction within 10, Number Talks task
Health and Wellbeing – Food and health
Literacy – Writing
Numeracy – Subtraction within 10, numeracy game
Together Time – Scavenger hunt
Other Tasks
- Read a book of your choice for enjoyment each day
- Continue to practise your Scots poem
- Complete the Sumdog challenge
- Practise counting forwards and backwards to/from 20 or 30
Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.
Ms Cave and Miss Hall