P4 Online Learning Week Beginning 18.01.21
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Here is your timetable for online learning for this week. Please do what you can.
When you have finished your work log in to Teams
Go to P4 Class Team 2020 / 2021
Click on Home Learning Choice boards
Select Term 3 folder
Click on this folder to find your individual work folders.
Have a great week!
MondayP.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube
Spelling – 3 activities from the spelling grid Maths/Numeracy Interdisciplinary Learning Video call 11.30 am |
Maths/Numeracy Health and Wellbeing Video call 11.00 am |
WednesdayP.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube
Reading Maths/Numeracy Interdisciplinary Learning Video lesson at 11.30 am |
Maths/Numeracy Health and Wellbeing Video lesson at 11.30 am |
FridayP.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube
Free Writing Numeracy Together Time Activity |
Daily activities also include: