P7 Timetable
Monday – Spelling (3 activities from the grid), Numeracy Task, IDL. (no video call today, Mr Blair in school)
Sumdog competition for Maths.
Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.
Tuesday – Reading task, Numeracy Task, IDL. (no video call today, Mr Blair in school)
Sumdog competition for Maths.
Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.
Wednesday – Reading task, Numeracy Task, HWB, Video call at 10am
Sumdog competition for Maths.
Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.
Thursday – Writing Task, Numeracy Task, HWB, Video call at 10am
Sumdog competition for Maths.
Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.
Friday – Free Writing Task, Numeracy Task, Together Time Activity
Sumdog competition for Maths.
Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.
Learning can be completed in homework jotters/paper and photos can be posted as a reply to the task or as a Word document, which can be uploaded to the relevant folder in the Files section.
Remember, Mr Blair is in school this week and will not be able to hold video calls.
We would like to thank parents and carers for their continued support.
Kind regards,
Mr Blair & Mrs McConville