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P4/3 Home Learning 08/02/21

Good morning P4/3, I hope you all had a great weekend.

First of all, for any children, and parents or carers that are feeling stresssed or worried about home learning I want to let you know that there is no pressure on completing every task every day. Also, if you ever need any support with accessing or completing home learning please get in touch with me through the school office.

There will be a live lesson on Teams for the P4 children on Monday at 12 o’clock with myself, and on Wednesday at 12 o’clock with Mrs Dugan.

On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday there will be a lesson that is a recorded video that can be accessed by both P3 and P4.

Remember, if you have a log in for IDL Literacy or IDL Numeracy you can use this each day to practise. You can also play Sumdog and take part in challenges!

I hope that you have a lovely week.

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