I hope you are all keeping well as we continue to navigate through these circumstances together. P6 and families should be so proud of all they have achieved in term 3 so far. As their teacher, I am so proud to see how hard every child has been working and how much responsibility they have taken for their own learning at home. I hope that it won’t be long until we are all reunited in our classroom so that we can be a team once more!
Here is the timetable for this week’s P6 online learning tasks. Please remember there is no pressure to complete everything.
Thank you to parents/carers for you continued support – I hope you all have a lovely week.
Monday(Miss Mushet)
Daily check in form
Literacy – Spelling then IDL
Numeracy – number talks, dividing by 9,Sumdog competition
Teams call at 11:15am – Topic – Jacobites Timeline
Tuesday (Miss Mushet)
Daily check in form
Teams call at 9:30Numeracy – number talks, dividing by 9, Sumdog competition
Literacy – Plan for our Jacobites report
Together Time – check in and ‘Drawing with Rob’
Wednesday (Miss Irvine)
Daily check in form
Numeracy – number talks, mixed numeracy task, Sumdog
Literacy – grammar: time and sequence openers
Teams call at 1:30pm– Health and wellbeing – food allergies
Thursday (Miss Mushet)
Daily check in form
Teams call at 9:30Literacy – Report about The Jacobites