Hopefully this week marks the final stretch of online learning for P6 and families. P6 have worked so hard across term and I look forward to welcoming the children back next week!
Here is the timetable for our online learning tasks. Please remember there is no pressure to complete everything.
Thank you to parents/carers for you continued support – I hope you all have a lovely week.
Monday(Miss Mushet)
Daily check in form
Literacy – Spelling then IDL
Numeracy – number talks, mixed divison,Sumdog
Teams call at 11:15am – Topic – What I have learned (Jacobites)
Tuesday (Miss Mushet)
Daily check in form
Teams call at 9:30Numeracy – number talks, mixed division, Sumdog
Literacy – KWL grid for our new topic
Whole School Challenge
Wednesday (Miss Irvine)
Daily check in form
Numeracy – number talks, decimal work, Sumdog
Literacy – grammar: present tense action verbs
Teams call at 1:30pm– Health and wellbeing – food allergens menu