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Primary 7 - 8th March

Hello P7!

Here is the timetable for this week’s remote learning tasks, our final week online!

Monday Spelling (3 activities from the grid), Numeracy Task, IDL (No video call, Mr Blair in school). 

Sumdog challenges for Maths and Literacy.

Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.


TuesdayReading, Numeracy Task, IDL, Video lesson at 10am

Sumdog challenges for Maths and Literacy.

Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.

WednesdayReading task, Numeracy Task, IDL, Video call – Mrs Andison

Sumdog challenges for Maths and Literacy.

Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.


ThursdayWriting Task, Numeracy Task, HWB, video call at 10am – Mrs Andison

Sumdog challenges for Maths and Literacy.

Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.


FridayFree Writing Task, Numeracy Task, Together Time Activity

Sumdog challenges for Maths and Literacy.

Continue with IDL Spelling if you normally do this in school.


Additional tasks: Try and find some time for personal reading and times table practice throughout the week. Also, try to get outside for some fresh air/exercise if you can.

Please remember that there is no pressure to complete everything, we would love to see you at the video call times.

Learning can be completed in homework jotters/paper and photos can be posted as a reply to the task or as a Word document, which can be uploaded to the relevant folder in the Files section.

We would like to thank parents and carers for their continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Andison & Mr Blair

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