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P5: The Scottish Landscape

We are learning to:

LI: Create a powerpoint slide

SC: I can… have a bold title

I can… have interesting facts

I can… have eye catching pictures

As part of their topic the children had to create a powerpoint to encourage tourists to come back and visit Scotland after the Covona virus. Their second outcome was a digital focus.

We are learning to:

LI: Develop our digital skills

SC: I can… use the snipping tool

The children had to use the snipping tool to capture images of Scotland to include in their powerpoint. We decided the top 3 powerpoints would be sent to Visit Scotland to let them see our skills and see if we were developing the correct skills to become part of the work force when we are older. It was very difficult to pick as all of the posters were really good. All of the powerpoints are in the P5 team if you want to have a look.

We sent our letter to Visit Scotland and this is a reply whicwe received:

Dear Mrs Campbell,

Thank you so much for sending me you pupils’ work as part of their Scotland landscape topic and especially on how we would attract visitors back to Scotland after Covid.

I think the class has done an excellent job and made some really lovely choices of pictures and joined them up with lots of interesting facts.  From walking and fishing to the Harry Potter train and Nessie spotting, there’s something for everyone in there!

I thought you might like to share with the class one other favourite of visitors to Scotland – the Highland Coo.  They are so popular that every week on our social media channels like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, Tuesday becomes ‘Coos-day’ and we post pictures like these.  Thousands of people love them!


Scotland is a beautiful country and visitors come to experience our stunning scenery, our lochs, spectacular coastlines and beaches as well as our amazing castles, wildlife and so much more.  To ensure it remains that way, it is so important for all of us to look after our special country and whenever we’re out for a walk, or maybe camping, or playing on the beach that we ‘leave only footprints and take away only memories’.  So, it would be brilliant if your class could share that message with their friends and family.

I know there are still a few weeks of term left before the summer holidays, but when they do arrive, I hope you and your class can spend some time exploring our beautiful landscape.

Thank you again for sharing the work with me and you never know, one day, some of your class might be working for VisitScotland.

Kind regards

Ken Massie

Head of Regional Leadership and Development

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