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Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 recently completed their first topic, ‘Welcome to School!’. The photo above shows a record of our learning journey.

Through this topic we:

  • Considered what Harry the bear would need to know for starting school and used this as our plan.
  • Made Harry a check-in symbol so he could share how he was feeling.
  • Made Harry feel supported/welcome by building him a home, preparing his packed lunch and reading him stories.
  • Drew and labelled what Harry would need for school in his backpack.
  • Modelled behaviours for Harry such as how we sit on the carpet and how we line up for break/lunch.
  • Considered what we thought made a good friend to help Harry form friendships.
  • Photographed signs/symbols in the school environment which gave us information.
  • Photographed key areas in the school which Harry would need to use.
  • Made a map of the school and linked key areas with their photographs.
  • Identified key adults in the school and added them to the map.
  • Learned a song to help us remember the days of the week.
  • Learned how timetables are used and made Harry his own daily timetable.
  • Built models of our classroom using construction materials.
  • Learned about a ‘birds-eye’ view and looked at maps of our local area.
  • Used photographs of our classroom models to make our own maps.
  • Learned how to give/follow directions using the language ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘left’ and ‘right’.

We are now getting ready to move on to our next Literacy-based topic. Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been learning!

Primary 2/1 & Miss M

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