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School Uniform

We have a school uniform which we encourage children to wear.

Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School actively encourages children to wear school uniform.


The benefits of wearing school uniform are:

  • Differences between pupils are reduced, which in turn reduces some of the causes of isolation and bullying;
  • The self-esteem of particular groups can be improved;
  • Security can be improved - it is easy to spot who does and does not belong to the school;
  • It can improve the image of the school in the local community.


Our school uniform consists of:

  • grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore/school shorts
  • white polo shirt or a white shirt and tie
  • a blue school sweatshirt or blue cardigan
  • sensible shoes
  • black indoor shoes
  • blue check summer dress with a blue cardigan



  • black sweatshirt or black cardigan
  • P7 School tie


P.E. Kit:

  • white or blue tshirt
  • black or grey shorts
  • black gym shoes


Uniform can be ordered from the school office. School clothing grants are available to parents in receipt of a qualifying benefit; application forms are available from the school office. The Parent Partner Group hold a nearly-new uniform sale at points throughout the session.

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