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On Friday, a group of pupils from P5-7 took part in a community planting event with Mirin and Nelly from the Edinburgh and Lothians Green Space Trust. We were invited along to help with the trust's project to help create better habitats in our local area for great crested newts. This species of newt is ... Continue reading "P5-7 Planting Event"


Last week, Primary 5 visited Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, where we learned all about the amazing world of oceans. The highlight of our visit was the Oceans Workshop, where the children took part in five engaging activities: Creating an Ocean Food Web: Exploring how all marine life is connected. Ocean Layers: Identifying animals that live ... Continue reading "Primary 5 Dynamic Earth Trip"


P6 Home Learning Choice Board T2 FINAL - 2024


Please find attached the Termly Overview for Term 2. Term 2 P1 Termly Learning Overview Thank you for your continued support, Miss Walkingshaw


Here is the primary 4 termly overview for term 2. P4 termly overview term 2 2024 If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks, Miss McGregor


To prepare us for the World of Work, we have been applying and interviewing for the role of Nursery Buddy. Primary 6 were interviewed by Miss Hall and Miss MacAulay. Well done P6 for speaking so confidently and telling us about your fantastic skills and strengths.


Link for Pupil Voice Group:


Here is the home learning choice board for Term 2. It will also be posted on Teams and there will be assignments set up for each area for the children to submit their work. P4 Home Learning Choice Board T2 2024 PDF If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks, ... Continue reading "Primary 4"


To finish off our Natural Disasters project, P6 enjoyed building and erupting volcanoes. We used our research skills to plan and write news reports about a Volcanic eruption. We know what a volcano is made of and should look like. We designed and decorated our volcanoes. We used our STEM skills to measure and mix ... Continue reading "P6 STEM: Volcanoes"


October signifies the start of Jewish new year celebrations. P6 have explored the tradition of blowing the Shofar horn to signify the start of Rosh Hashanah. They used a variety of art skills to make a shofar horn from paper.


Thank you to our grownups who made it along to visit the P6 showing on Friday. The class loved sharing their Sky Up Academy experience with you. The movie trailers were entirely child led and each child took on an important role in a group to complete the challenge. ICT, literacy, expressive arts and Health ... Continue reading "P6 Sharing the Learning Morning"


P6 have been exploring number patterns this term in numeracy. They have been taking part in a mystery story and trying to use clues to solve a hidden message. So far, we have explored the Vedic Square, Fibonacci Sequences and the Golden Ratio. This week we will be exploring number patterns found in circles.