Primary 5 had a fantastic STEM day, filled with hands-on learning and fun! They designed and built their own gliders, thinking carefully about the best shapes and materials to help them fly. Once their gliders were ready, they tested them out, making observations about how far and how well they flew. Some pupils adjusted their ... Continue reading "Primary 5 STEM Day: Gliders and Sustainability!"
Here is the Primary 4 Termly Overview and Home Learning Choice Board for Term 3. P4 termly overview term 3 24-25 P4 Home Learning Choice Board T3 2024 - 25 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks, Miss McGregor
Please find attached the learning overview for Term 3. This has also been posted on Seesaw. Term-3-P1-Termly-Learning-Overview Thank you for your continued support, Miss Walkingshaw