Primary 3 Check-in
Good morning boys and girls,
We hope you are having a good week so far. All your learning resources for this week can be found below. There are also Sumdog challenges available and Miss Burton’s Whole School Challenge to complete too!
Remember that if you don’t have a printer to print out any of the tasks, you can just refer to them on-screen or copy them and write the answers in your jotter or on paper.
It’s lovely to hear how you are getting on and to see some of your learning! You can send us a message by replying to this post or contact us by email at to ask any questions or share what you have been up to.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.
Ms Cave and Mrs McConville
Home learning board 11.5.20 P3 Reading Task 11.05.20
P3 Fewest coins 2 P3 Fewest coins 1
P3 Sleep Information P3 PE Sevens Ball Game
World Climate Zones PowerPoint 2D Shapes
P3 Spelling Term 4 May and activities