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P4 - P7 learning week beg 19 May - 22 May 2020

Below is the timetable for the learning for this week for P4-7.  These are the core learning activities from your teachers.  Miss Burton may also post additional learning opportunities – these are optional.  Please remember to go on Sumdog to complete the challenges set by your teacher as they are part of your learning for the week.

Exciting news! This week your teacher will be having a class session on teams. So check the timetable carefully to see what day and time. We are all looking forward to it!

Have a great week!



Interdisciplinary Learning/Topic

Literacy e.g. grammar/punctuation

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading




Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

P5: Number talks with Mrs Campbell 11 am

P6: teams meeting with Miss McLaughlin

P7: team meeting with Mrs Andison at 1.30pm


Health or Topic


Plus: PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

P4: teams meeting with Mrs Mooney



Writing – Free writing activity

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

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