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Primary 3 Check-in

Good morning P3,

We hope you are enjoying the week so far and have been making the most of the sunshine!

Your learning activities for this week are listed below for you and there are two new Sumdog Challenges available too. Miss Burton has also set a Week 10 Challenge for everyone to complete.

Remember that if you don’t have access to a printer, you can complete all tasks on paper or in your jotter.

If you would like to get in touch and share your learning, please reply to this post or send us an email at We would love to hear how you are all getting on!

Take care,

Ms Cave and Mrs McConville

P3 Home learning board 25.5.20

P3 Reading Task 25.05.20

P3 Calculating Change 1

P3 Chilli Challenge 25.5

Directions for getting to school

Madagascan animals

P3 Spelling Term 4 May and activities

Common Words – Blocks 1-9

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