Primary 3 Check-in
Hi Primary 3,
We hope your week is going well so far and that you have managed some of the learning activities for the final week of term. All your resources are listed below for you. Remember that the Sumdog competition is on until tomorrow so there’s still time to take part!
Thank you for all of your messages and the work you have sent in whilst the school has been closed. We have really missed seeing you all in school and it has been lovely to hear how you have been getting on at home. A big thank you to your grown-ups at home for helping you with all your learning too!
We have loved being your teachers and we’re looking forward to seeing you around the school when we get back in August. In the meantime, we hope you all have a fantastic summer!
Take care,
Ms Cave and Mrs McConville
P3 Home learning board 22.6.20
Spelling week beginning 22nd June 2020 & activities