Drop off and Pick up Arrangements for P1-7
Thank you for bearing with us whilst we organise our routine for children entering and leaving the building. Please find below a reminder of the processes. There are staff on the gates and signage on the fence to support you. These processes are part of our school risk assessment and comply with Scottish Government policy and advice.
Morning Drop off:
- Those children wishing to make use of breakfast club should arrive between 8:10-8:30am.
- No adults should enter the playground in the morning.
- Adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines when dropping off at gates.
- Adults should not loiter at the gates, please leave the area once you have dropped your child off.
- P1-3 Entrance: Infant Side Gate Open 8:48-9:00
- P4-5 Entrance: Kick Pitch Gate Open 8:48-9:00
- P6-7 Entrance: Upper School Gate Open 8:48-9:00
Afternoon Pick Up:
P1-4 Exit at 3:10-15pm:
- One adult per family enters through kick pitch gate.
- Leave with your child via the library gate.
- All adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines.
- Adults should not loiter in the playground, please leave once you have picked your child up.
- We would recommend parents entering the playground wear a face mask.
- The above processes help us to ensure a one way system and support distancing.
P5-7 Exit at 3:15pm: Upper School Gate
- Children with younger siblings can enter the playground to meet the adult.
- Adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines when dropping off at gates.
- Adults should not loiter at the gates, please leave once you have dropped your child off.
- One adult per family should pick up the child/ren.
Thank you for your support as we continue to put processes in place to support everyone’s safety.