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Welcome to Term 3

Dear parent/ carer,

Welcome pack to Term 3.

We sent an email out on Friday with information about the types of home learning we will be providing for your child:

We have blogged information about how P4-7 can access Teams at home:

Also how P4-7 can access the video calls with their teacher:

Staff will blog a timetable for your child on a Monday. Frequently checking the blog is a good way of keeping in touch with the latest news, etc. You can get notifications of blog posts through following us on Twitter: @PUSCPS and on Facebook.

For families who require some resources for home learning; learning packs with paper, pencils, glue, etc. will be available to collect from outside the office doors on Tuesdays 9:00-10:00am and Thursdays 1:30-2:30pm. Please remember to wear a mask, maintain physical distancing and sanitise hands when collecting the packs. 

We know home learning can be a difficult time for families and we recognise everyone is in very different situations. Our staff have worked hard last week (and will continue to) to plan progression in learning for your child. However, please only do what you can with your child/ children at a time that suits you, which best meets the need of your child and family circumstances.

If your child requires any support with their learning they can ask their teacher on Teams or Seesaw. If you require any support, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our school office is open 8:30 – 3:15pm and 8:30-12:30pm on a Friday or you can email us on

Kind regards,

Miss Burton

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