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P4/3 Home Learning Week Beginning 11/01/21

P4/3 Home Learning Week 1

Hello P4/3, I hope you all had a great holiday. It is sad that we won’t be able to meet up as a class in school but we can still learn from home.

Each week I will post your timetable on the school blog and every morning I will post your lessons for the day on Seesaw if you are in P3 or Teams if you are in P4.

Miss Burton may also post additional learning opportunities – these are optional. Please remember to go on Sumdog to complete the challenges set as they are part of your learning for the week.

Check in – you can follow this link to let me know how you are feeling –

Live Video Timetable for P4. Join me on Teams.

  • Monday – 12:00
  • Tuesday – 12.00
  • Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – No video as I am in school.

Monday – 11/01/21

  1. Literacy – Spelling.

  1. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.

  1. Interdisciplinary learning – Scottish topic.

Tuesday – 12/01/21

  1. Literacy – Writing.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and multiplication.
  3. Health and wellbeing.

Wednesday – 13/01/21

  1. Literacy – Spelling.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.
  3. Interdisciplinary learning – Scottish topic.

Thursday – 14/01/21

  1. Literacy – Reading.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and multiplication.
  3. Health and wellbeing.

Friday – 15/01/21

  1. Literacy – Writing.
  2. Numeracy/Maths – Number talks and division.
  3. Together time activity.
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