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P5 Online learning for week beg 22 February 2021

Good morning boys and girls!

It was so good to see so many of you taking part in our learning last week! It was also great to see you all during our video calls. Here is a list of what will be happening this week.

Remember there is no pressure to complete everything.

In teams I have now put up a daily check in channel. In there you will find a daily check in form please complete it as it replaces your daily check in we would have in class.

Monday 22nd February 2021

Video call 9.30 am

Maths: Decimal numbers and Number Talks

Literacy: spelling – work for each group will be put into the literacy folder. If you are on IDL please log into it and do 5 lessons.

Topic: Life in the 16th century

Plus: Please complete your daily check in form. PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube 9am daily), and there is also a whole school Sumdog challenge!


Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Video call at 11am

Literacy: We are learning to write a procedure

Maths: Number Talks and division worksheet

Health and well being

Plus: Please complete your daily check in form. PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube 9am daily), and there is also a whole school Sumdog challenge!


Wednesday 24th February 2021

Video call at 11 am

Literacy: we are learning to write a procedure

Maths: Number Talks and division worksheet

Topic: Life in the 16th century

Plus: Please complete your daily check in form. PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), and the whole school Sumdog challenge.

Please do 30 mins IDL if you have a log in.



Thursday 25th February 2021

No video call today as I am in class today

Literacy: reading skills

Maths: Number Talks and division worksheet

Topic: Life in the 16th century

Plus: Please complete your daily check in form. PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), and the whole school Sumdog challenge



Friday 26th February 2021

Video call at 11 am

Writing – Free writing activity. Upload it into your folder on Teams when you have completed it. If you are on IDL do 5 lessons instead of doing the free writing.

Maths: Number Talks and a suduko

Together time activity

Plus: Please complete your daily check in form. PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube) and the whole school Sumdog challenge. If you have a login please do 5 lessons in IDL rather than the free writing.



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