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P6 Weekly Update

This week we have been learning about Scottish Culture during our mini topic. We were introduced to Robert Burns and explored many aspects of his life using digital technology. We were asked to note down all of our information in a creative way and share this with the class. This topic allowed us to explore capital cities in Scotland which tied into places that Robert Burns visited.

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During our mini topic, we have been asked to investigate The Scottish Colourists. We have chosen one of the famous Scottish Colourists and completed a fact file all about them. We were then asked to re-create a famous piece of artwork by John Peploe called Pink Roses, Chinese Vase.

      Image previewPink Roses, Chinese Vase - National Galleries of Scotland | SurfaceView

We have completed a pencil drawing and will finish this using John Peploes’ favourite technique of oil painting. We will post pictures of these when they have been completed next week for you.

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