Primary 7's week
Lots of great learning took place in P7 this week.
In Numeracy, we have been revising addition and subtraction of larger numbers and how to use a formal written method. We then used what we had learned and applied it to real world problems. We started with problems using one operation and quickly moved on to problems using more than one operation.
In Literacy, we continued to look at different types of procedures and our focus this week, was recipes. We wrote a plan for our own ultimate sandwich recipe. We will write and illustrate them next week. While we were talking about our ideas for favourite sandwiches we began to feel very hungry
In Science, we were making circuits with leads, batteries and lights then we had to introduce a switch.
In our IDL topic we are continuing to research Chinese celebrations and festivals as well as looking at our own Scottish ones.
All in all a very busy and enjoyable week.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Primary 7 and Mrs Andison