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Primary 3/2

We have had a very busy week in Primary 3/2, we started off our week learning about symmetry and all the different objects that have lines of symmetry in them. We then created our own symmetrical lady birds by finger painting one side then folding them in half to create the symmetrical pattern on the opposite side.

On Tuesday morning we tuned into the Authors Live event with Nadia Shireen. We listened to some excerpts from her book and then got the opportunity to draw along with her as she showed us how to draw some of the main characters from her book.

Our Fairytale focus this week has been The Three Little Pigs. On Friday we were split into three groups; paper, straw and bricks we then had to use those materials to create a house just like in the fairy tale.

Miss Mcgregor was very impressed with our creativity! Super job P3/2

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